Melik Salukis is located in Central Virginia on about 400 acres of forested and open farmland.
Our life with Saluki started in 1974,when I obtained my first Saluki from Karen Usry, Zuvenda, about 15 miles from where I live now. I have not been without a Saluki since.
In my AKC life I bred 11 AKC Champions based on my crossing of Melik’s Dancing Alika F.Ch. to Sedeki Mazuri Vaz. In our subsequent life George and I have bred for the open fields. Our Persian family has done quite well when given the opportunity to compete.
My husband’s love for the Saluki, his amusement at their continued testing of our patience and good humor, and his unfailing support of my global adventures keep us all moving forward.

In the Lure Coursing world our Iranian family is quite accomplished.
*Nazee FCH,VFCH (Import Bokan, Iran) is a two time Pyramid Cup winner guided by Susan Schroeder.

Both Haba (Melik Ishtahaba Djinn, NACM,NACC,CBC,CCC,FCh) and JD (Melik Jadhwah, NACC,FCh) won the CLCA Grand National, always loved and campaigned by Frank Cassano.

The Tirgan von Iransamin son FC Melik Manoosha at DoubleTime FCH easily finished his AKC and ASFA titles as well as having a blast at LGRA racing. Manny was Kirby Overcash’s best friend.
*Nazee’s great grand daughter has followed in Nazee’s pawprints and in 2022 won the Pyramid Cup at the SCOA National Specialty and came back the next day and won the AKC lure Trial. MBIF, FC, UKC CH Rataki Yalda de Valle Compel SC,TKN, FCh Priah is a Nadin daughter and is now working on her AKC title. Priah is treasured by Marissa Jo Wagenaar.

Over in Europe *Qushabee’s family has done quite well lure coursing with Melik Boorchin Oghab Nox Infinita earning the 2018 and 2019 FCI World Racing Champion blankets. Oghab has also earned SMM 2018 – Finnish Lure Coursing Winner 2018, SMM 2019 – Finnish Lure Coursing Winner 2019, SMM 2022 – Finnish Lure Coursing Winner 2022

In the NOFCA venue we have bred:
Two-time Grand Course winner, Melik Nazlee License to Kill at HawksView, 500CC,CM,GCW2 under the guidance of Kathleen Tigan and Karen Chen
Grand Course Saluki Breed hunt winner Melik Halaaleh at HawksView, CC, CM under the guidance of Lauren and Karen Chen.
There are multiple NOFCA pointed Salukis in the family down through the years.
In the fields of New Mexico with TCC:
Melik Ishtahaba Djinn FCh, NACC, NACM, CCC, CBC (Haba) went BIF at the TCC Derby under Paul Sagar,
Melik Jadhwah FCh, NACC ( JD) was the TCC Breed winner at the TCC Derby and finished second overall.
Melik’s Laa Yudaani Inbisaat was the 2011 High Score Saluki in the TCC Derby.
In the NACA fields both Haba and JD have multiple wins at the Whitetail Classic under their collars.
In European oval track racing our family has excelled:
The Tirgan von Iransamin daughter Melik Marjan by Iransamin went to Germany and earned VDH Internationaler Derbysieger/in 2016, VDH Internationaler Derbysieger/in 2014, DDS 2015. Marjan is raced and lives with Cyrus Sattarzadeh.

A Saluki’s function is to be an effective hunter.
A Saluki is beautiful because of his function.
To deny this truth is to deny the Saluki.